Today's note - 30th July, 2024
After switching to static page, I had to change the way I write. Instead of a WYSIWYG editor, I had to switch a normal text editor so that I could use markdown format. I knew there were plugin’s av...
After switching to static page, I had to change the way I write. Instead of a WYSIWYG editor, I had to switch a normal text editor so that I could use markdown format. I knew there were plugin’s av...
Must-Read Books: A Curated List with Insights This article recommends ten books for men. I am not sure why it is recommended for “men”, but adding it for later reading/reference. Recommended Book...
Finally moved to netlify! This has been in my mind for last few years, but I guess I am just lazy. I had this blog on on my last VPS for about 7 years and I really have to thank Server Pilot for m...
I have the same git repository pushing out static page to both netlify and github pages. Netlify is able to do the build correctly and add necessary CSS, js and favicons. But it does not work in Gi...
I started working on this and then forgot all about it. Well, this does take a lot of work and I didn’t have a lot of time. Anyway, I have exported all the posts from wordpress and imported a few ...
I forgot that I had started working on this and to be honest, I could have sworn that there was an option to create posts with template through an admin interface. But that might have been on Netli...
I have been trying to move to static websties for a few years now. I made several attempts on Netlify, but was never really happy with the theme or the result. I came across this Jekyll theme today...
The search for Knowledge has encouraged us to think of the House as if it were a sort of riddle to be unravelled, a text to be interpreted, and that if it ever we discover the Knowledge, then it wi...
Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer Henry Da...
Reliance is getting into e-commerce, taking on Flipkart and Amazon. It’s in consumers best interest to make sure none of them gain absolute dominance in the market.